Hi dear followers :)
What do you think about my new varsity jacket? Since I saw these kind of jackets in Alexander Wang S/S 10 Collection, I knew I had to have one.
I was beyond happy when I saw this jacket at H&M. It was love at first sight, this jacket was exactly what I was looking for. Once again I couldn't resist. I had to bring it home with me. :)
I'm sure we'll be very happy together :))
I hope you enjoy ;)
Olá :))
O que acham do meu varsity jacket?? Fiquei apaixonada desde que vi estes casacos, na colecção de Primavera/Verão 2010 do Alexander Wang.
Fiquei para lá de contente, quando vi este V.J na nova colecção da H&M (Ladies Trend). Foi amor à primeira vista!! Mais uma vez, não resisti..tive que trazê-lo para casa comigo :))
Tenho a certeza que vamos ser muito felizes juntos :))
Espero que gostem ;)
Varsity Jacket - H&M Trend / High-Waisted Jeans - Zara / Satchel Bag - Blanco

Listening: American Boy - Estelle feat. Kanye West
6 comentários:
Hi, you won a awards prize on my blog, go and see it http://modaperprincipianti.blogspot.com/2011/01/awards.html.
Sorry the post is not in english, but maybe with the google translater you can understand. I like your blog even if i can't understand portuguese! =)
adoro o casaco muito fixe!!!
u great awwww <3.
so adorable .
ola raquel adoro todos os teus outfits :) olha uma pergunta a h&m trend só hà na h&m do chiado?
Thanks a lot for your comments girls :))
@ Anónimo:
Obrigada :)) Sim, em Portugal, só na H&M do Chiado :))
hei chloe gosto imenso do teu blog.
passa pelo meu e diz o que achas ~.~
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